Advanced Digital Acquisition ecoSystem (ADAS)

Advanced Digital Acquisition ecoSystem (ADAS)

This digital ecosystem aids the capabilities acquisition process for evaluating alternative design solutions.

The Advanced Digital Acquisition ecoSystem (ADAS) is a stack of computerized engineering tools interconnected to function as a single system. This digital ecosystem aids the capabilities acquisition process for evaluating alternative design solutions. The technology stack evaluates functions and predicted performance for proposed solutions.

Ecosystem users include engineering teams, program managers, project controllers, and third-party data service providers. Interoperability is the key to the ecosystem’s success.

At MTSI, the digital ecosystem consists of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), cloud-based web applications widely used within the broader engineering community. These tools allow users to create digital threads for various Authoritative Sources of Truths (ASOTs).

Advanced Digital Acquisition ecoSystem (ADAS)

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